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Available schedule sources


Available schedule sources

These objects are used to fetch current schedule for tasks. Currently we have only one schedule source.


This source is capable of adding new schedules in runtime. It uses Redis as a storage for schedules. To use this source you need to install taskiq-redis package.

from taskiq_redis import RedisScheduleSource

from taskiq import TaskiqScheduler

redis_source = RedisScheduleSource("redis://localhost:6379/0")
scheduler = TaskiqScheduler(broker, sources=[redis_source])

For more information on how to use dynamic schedule sources read Dynamic scheduling section.


This source parses labels of tasks, and if it finds a schedule label, it considers this task as scheduled.

The format of the schedule label is the following:

            "cron": "* * * * *", # type: str, either cron or time shoule be specified.
            "cron_offset": None # type: str | timedelta | None, can be ommited.
            "time": None  # type: datetime | None, either cron or time shoule be specified.
            "args": [], # type List[Any] | None, can be omitted.
            "kwargs": {}, # type: Dict[str, Any] | None, can be omitted.
            "labels": {}, # type: Dict[str, Any] | None, can be omitted.
async def my_task():


  • cron - crontab string when to run the task.
  • cron_offset - timezone offset for cron values. Explained here
  • time - specific time when send the task.
  • args - args to use, when invoking the task.
  • kwargs - key-word arguments to use when invoking the task.
  • labels - additional labels to use when invoking the task.

To enable this source, just add it to the list of sources:

from taskiq.scheduler import TaskiqScheduler
from taskiq.schedule_sources import LabelScheduleSource

broker = ...

scheduler = TaskiqScheduler(

Cool notice!

In order to resolve all labels correctly, don't forget to import all task modules using CLI interface.