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Core library comes with CLI program called taskiq, which is used to run different subcommands.

By default taskiq is shipped with only two commands: worker and scheduler. You can search for more taskiq plugins using pypi. Some plugins may add new commands to taskiq.


To run worker process, you have to specify the broker you want to use and modules with defined tasks. Like this:

taskiq worker mybroker:broker_var my_project.module1 my_project.module2

Auto importing

Enumerating all modules with tasks is not an option sometimes. That's why taskiq can auto-discover tasks in current directory recursively.

We have two options for this:

  • --tasks-pattern or -tp. It's a glob pattern of files to import. By default it is **/ which searches for all files. May be specified multiple times.
  • --fs-discover or -fsd. This option enables search of task files in current directory recursively, using the given pattern.


The taskiq supports three types of acknowledgements:

  • when_received - task is acknowledged when it is received by the worker.
  • when_executed - task is acknowledged right after it is executed by the worker.
  • when_saved - task is acknowledged when the result of execution is saved in the result backend.

This can be configured using --ack-type parameter. For example:

taskiq worker --ack-type when_executed mybroker:broker

Type casts

One of features taskiq have is automatic type casts. For example you have a type-hinted task like this:

async def task(val: int) -> int:
    return val + 1

If you'll call task.kiq("2") you'll get 3 as the returned value. Because we parse signatures of tasks and cast incoming parameters to target types. If type-cast fails you won't throw any error. It just leave the value as is. That functionality allows you to use pydantic models, or dataclasses as the input parameters.

To disable this pass the --no-parse option to the taskiq.

Hot reload

This is annoying to restart workers every time you modify tasks. That's why taskiq supports hot-reload. Reload is unavailable by default. To enable this feature install taskiq with reload extra.

pip install "taskiq[reload]"

To enable this option simply pass the --reload or -r option to worker taskiq CLI.

Also this option supports .gitignore files. If you have such file in your directory, it won't reload worker when you modify ignored files. To disable this functionality pass --do-not-use-gitignore option.

Graceful reload (available only on Unix systems)

To perform graceful reload, send SIGHUP signal to the main worker process. This action will reload all workers with new code. It's useful for deployment that requires zero downtime, but without using heavy orchestration tools like Kubernetes.

taskiq worker my_module:broker
kill -HUP <main pid>

Graceful and force shutdowns

If you send SIGINT or SIGKILL to the main process by pressing Ctrl+C or using the kill command, it will initiate the shutdown process. By default, it will stop fetching new messages immediately after receiving the signal but will wait for the completion of all currently executing tasks.

If you don't want to wait too long for tasks to complete each time you shut down the worker, you can either send termination signals three times to the main process to perform a hard kill or configure the --wait-tasks-timeout to set a hard time limit for shutting down.

Cool tip

The number of signals before a hard kill can be configured with the --hardkill-count CLI argument.

Other parameters

  • --no-configure-logging - disables default logging configuration for workers.
  • --log-level is used to set a log level (default INFO).
  • --max-async-tasks - maximum number of simultaneously running async tasks.
  • --max-prefetch - number of tasks to be prefetched before execution. (Useful for systems with high message rates, but brokers should support acknowledgements).
  • --max-threadpool-threads - number of threads for sync function exection.
  • --no-propagate-errors - if this parameter is enabled, exceptions won't be thrown in generator dependencies.
  • --receiver - python path to custom receiver class.
  • --receiver_arg - custom args for receiver.
  • --ack-type - Type of acknowledgement. This parameter is used to set when to acknowledge the task. Possible values are when_received, when_executed, when_saved. Default is when_saved.
  • max-tasks-per-child - maximum number of tasks to be executed by a single worker process before restart.
  • --shutdown-timeout - maximum amount of time for graceful broker's shutdown in seconds.
  • --wait-tasks-timeout - if cannot read new messages from the broker or maximum number of tasks is reached, worker will wait for all current tasks to finish. This parameter sets the maximum amount of time to wait until shutdown.
  • --hardkill-count - Number of termination signals to the main process before performing a hardkill.


Scheduler is used to schedule tasks as described in Scheduling tasks section.

To run it simply run

taskiq scheduler <path to scheduler> [optional module to import]...

For example

taskiq scheduler my_project.module1 my_project.module2


Path to scheduler is the only required argument.

  • --tasks-pattern or -tp. It's a glob pattern of files to import. By default it is **/ which searches for all files. May be specified multiple times.
  • --fs-discover or -fsd. This option enables search of task files in current directory recursively, using the given pattern.
  • --no-configure-logging - use this parameter if your application configures custom logging.
  • --log-level is used to set a log level (default INFO).
  • --skip-first-run - skip first run of scheduler. This option skips running tasks immediately after scheduler start.