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Taskiq message format


Taskiq message format

Taskiq doesn't force you to use any specific message format. We define default message format, but you can use any format you want.

The default message format is:

    "task_name": "my_project.module1.task",
    "args": [1, 2, 3],
    "kwargs": {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3},
    "labels": {
        "label1": "value1",
        "label2": "value2"

But this can be easily changed by creating your own implementation of the TaskiqFormatter class or TaskiqSerializer class.


Serializers define the format of the message but not the structure. For example, if you want to use msgpack or ORJson to serialize your message, you should update the serializer of your broker.

Be default, Taskiq uses JSON serializer. But we also have some implementations of other serializers:

To define your own serializer, you have to subclass the TaskiqSerializer class and implement dumpb and loadb methods. You can take a look at the existing implementations from the taskiq.serializers module.

To install taskiq with libraries for non-JSON serializers, you should install taskiq with extras.

pip install "taskiq[orjson]"


Formatters define the format of the message. It might be useful if you'd like to send a task to a celery worker for a different project. You can do it in seriazier as well, but formatters give you correct type hints.

By default we use a formatter that dumps the message to dict and serializes it using serializer. But you can define your own formatter to send a message in any format you want. To define a new formatter, you have to subclass the TaskiqFormatter class and implement dumps and loads methods. As an example, you can take a look at the JSONFormatter from taskiq.formatters implementation.